Thankful for all our backers on Kickstarter. Our map wouldn’t be in stores today without all of you.
Thankful for all the wild places on this planet and the people who had the forethought to preserve them.

Thankful for health and strong legs that carry me up and over mountains.
Thankful to live in a place where mountains rather than skyscrapers fill the view out my window and where the trails leading out of town are too many to count.

Thankful for all the family and friends who have encouraged and supported us as our dream of making maps becomes a reality.
Thankful for seasons because hot summer days allow me to appreciate winter and long winter nights have me dreaming of endless summer sun but really I could never live without both.

And most of all thankful for the best co-worker/tent mate/tech-support/fixer-of-all-things-broken a girl could ask for.